Study Tips for Students: Getting the Most Out of your Online Classes

study tips

Over the past few weeks, many schools have moved their classes online. While online classes have obvious benefits during these times, there can be an adjustment period for some students. Our team here at Blue Cliff College has you covered! We have compiled study tips to help our students be more productive while taking their online classes. Check out these study tips to see how to make your online classes more effective and enjoyable.


Have a Dedicated Study Space

study tip1Our first study tip is to have a dedicated study space. It doesn’t have to be fancy or elaborate! Many people convert current space in their homes into their study or workspace. There are a few key points to keep in mind when it comes to your study space. Ensure sure your study space is in a place that is as quiet as possible. This includes having as few distractions as possible. You want to make you are able to stay focused on your classwork and that there isn’t anything to distract you. You also want your study space to be comfortable. Since you will be spending a fair amount of time in your home study area, it is important that you are as comfortable as possible.

Have a Schedule and Stick to It

study tip 2Sticking to a schedule is really key when taking online classes. Many online classes will still have scheduled times to meet. Make sure you are logged online and fully prepared, so you are ready to learn and participate each day, at the allotted time. Adapt your daily routine at home as if you were getting ready to ‘go to school’ in the morning. You are still going to school; you are just completing the classes online. Staying on your schedule applies to more than just class time. Make sure you have dedicated time to complete assignments, do required reading, and review your notes. All of these things are essential, whether you are taking online classes or are at a campus. Having a written schedule helps many students stay on task. Manage your time the way it works best for you, just make sure you have a schedule and stick to it!

Connect with a Study Partner

study tip 3A study partner can really help you stay on task, particularly for online classes. A study partner can review notes with you, and you can each other questions. Study partners can help students learn in a more interactive way, as opposed to reading or reviewing questions solo. You and your study partner can work together on the phone or use tools such as FaceTime or Zoom to connect and help each other stay motivated and focused. If you do not know any of your fellow classmates, reach out to your instructor or your Admissions Representative. They may be able to facilitate an introduction for you.

Stay Engaged and Connected

study tip 4For students taking online classes, make sure to stay connected with the instructor and classmates. With so many options such as phone, email, text, video, it’s easy to maintain those relationships while taking classes online. Staying in touch with your instructor is especially important. Your instructor is a great resource in case you have a question or a problem, and it also lets your instructor know that you are actively engaged in your classes. Staying connected with your classmates is a great way to develop relationships with others in the class to help one another and stay motivated and focused. Don’t allow yourself to feel isolated while taking online classes because you have your instructors and classmates to connect with.

Stay Focused

Another thing to remember is to stay focused. Going to school is a huge commitment. Everyone has good days and bad days. Focus on the positive and your ultimate goal. Keep your eye on the prize! You can do it!

Blue Cliff College | Career Training in Louisiana and Mississippi

blue cliff collegeOur mission at Blue Cliff College is to provide our students with the best training possible as they pursue their newly chosen career. During these uncertain times, Blue Cliff College is continuing its commitment to our students. While our campus buildings are temporarily closed, Blue Cliff College students are able to start or continue their classes online. We look forward to welcoming all of our students back to campus in the near future. In the meantime, though, we wish all of our students and their loved ones good health and safety.

If you are interested in learning more about training at Blue Cliff College, request information today. A member of our team will contact you to discuss how we can help you.

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